Hi there!
My name is Anne-Sophie, I am a UX and service designer based in Paris and Nantes, France.
I believe in user-centered design to create holistic and meaningful experiences. I am also passionate about service and social design, user research, installations and innovative interfaces.
After a Bachelor’s degree in Interaction design and a Master’s degree in Tangible Interfaces (UX/UI) at the Ecole de Design Nantes Atlantique, France, I worked at Fluid design in Munich as a UX designer and at Fabernovel as a Design strategist and I am currently working at Niji as a UX designer/ergonomist.
I am always eager to hear about new opportunities in the field of UX and service design. You can contact me if you are interested in what I do or if you have any piece of advice to give me and have a look at my CV.